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Air ~ The Road Less Traveled

In a time when pretty much all information is at one's fingertips with the internet, we all appear to be wiser than ever before, especially when it comes to taking care of our health and wellness.
The essentials for every living being are foodwater and air. Food is the main source of energy to keep organisms alive. Food, when chemically broken down, provides individual nutrients which perform specific functions within organisms. Water is the natural solvent necessary for chemical reactions to take place. But more importantly, water provide cells their structure to survive.

Americans spend over $60 Billion annually on diet related activities

Healthy Eating and Drinking

With abundance of information, we are paying special attention to the food and drinks we consume; from ingredients, to proteins, to fat, to hidden sugars to serving sizes. We have come to understand that our body, the temple of our soul, will only survive prosperity should we indulge in a healthy lifestyle of eating and drinking. Yes, we have taken very specific actions once we were enlightened by the hazards of various ingredients in food and drinks. As a case in a point, according to Marketdata, Americans spend more than $60 billion annually on diet related activities. So, its a good thing because according to the National Institute on Aging, the average life expectancy in the US is almost 80 - of course healthy living being one of the many contributors to this success.
We will breathe at least 584 Billion times in our lifetime

Why is knowing about Air the road less traveled?

Air - important to living beings because its a critical component in cellular respiration, the metabolic process by which we produce energy to live. We take 20,000 breaths a day - that's 584 billion breaths in a lifetime and yet we don't appear to know what's in the air we breathe.
Perhaps, we have not cared as much because we were not enlightened about the contents of the air we breathe but then again, how would we know what's in the air we breathe? It's not like we can pluck a bag of air and read it's ingredients prior to taking a breath! So, most people go about their daily lives, caring about many important health factors but fail to really understand the air they breathe - the road less traveled.
Nanotechnology Gas Sensors to the Rescue

Nanotechnology and the Road more often traveled

With advancement in nanotechnology and sensors in general, finally we are not restricted to the road less traveled. New environmental sensors from temperature, humidity, pressure, ultra violet lighting to nano gas sensors are slowly but surely making their way into mainstream gadgets. Soon, our smartphones and smartwatches will warn us of potential health risks to our air and specific actions we can take to reduce the impact of airborne toxins. This will help reduce asthma attacks, lessen the impact of COPD and other respiratory diseases, reduce the stress on your breathing, help safe lives due to carbon monoxide poisoning, make sure that everything you bring into your home is a safe environment for the young and old in your household and the list goes on.
Coupled with the advancement of augmented reality, nanotechnology gas sensors soon will allow you to "see" air molecules and "touch" them to know the potential impacts and very specific actions you need to take. With the Internet of Things (IoT) making its way into our lives and the way technologies are married to further the value proposition, Nano Gas Sensor are coming and you too will be on the road more often traveled when it comes to your surrounding air.
By Sundip R. Doshi
~ Live | Learn | Innovate ~

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  1. Replies
    1. Hello Marilyn,
      It's a little bit of "rocket science" but the bottom line is that soon you will be able to tell what's in the Air you breathe and how it could potentially impact you negatively and the steps you can take to avoid it. Think of your smartphone telling you that there is carbon monoxide in your home that may be deadly which requires you to get out and get help. Just an example...

      Hope this helps a bit.

  2. I can see this bringing a lot of advancements in healthcare devices

  3. It's good. I think it'll be help a lot!

  4. The air we breathe is so important! I believe research will prove that to be a bigger issue and this is an amazing idea!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  5. Interesting article! I voted for Early Disease/Cancer Detection using Exhaled Breath!

  6. This article was really interesting and I would love to see this advancement in technology asap!

  7. This article was really interesting and I would love to see this advancement in technology asap!

  8. Definitely an eye opener..with everything they are scaring us with...why is this knowledge not being made public

  9. This is a great informative read making us more aware and educated on the topic of airborne toxins in our air. Thank you!

  10. A lot of great information in this article.

  11. Being near a large city and I'm sure lots of smog from cars, I like this idea ;)

  12. wow what great info i cant wait to the future tech will do for keeping our families safe

  13. Although I have asthma and many of my family members do and other respiratory problems I chose Smoke, Fire, & Toxic Indoor Gases because I think that leads to a lot of the other things.

  14. food for thought. and air for thought.

  15. This is fascinating! I'm a little scared to know what's in the air I'm breathing though... but it would be something that people show know.

  16. Interesting application of the technology

  17. Great advancement! Hopefully, it will enable us to figure out what to do about the air!

  18. Have you heard of a new company called Quansor Corporation? Their technology sounds compatable with the information posted here.

    1. Thanks for your comment. I did check them out - definitely very interesting science and the focus of their tech is more for liquids but perhaps they may be able to adapt it to air. One such company doing this is www.AerNos.com

  19. I think most of us will start wearing some high tech breathing mask to filter out all the bad things

  20. Very interesting technology! Thanks for sharing :)

  21. The possibility of being able to detect what's in the air we're breathing and what could be harming our family's health is amazing! I hope to be able to use this in my own home very soon.

  22. This is an amazing technology, especially helpful when you have young children.

  23. This is excellent technology, really a necessity in today's day and age, especially for those who have a family. Thanks!

  24. Very interesting information.

  25. I'm not sure what the physical detection mechanism would be - are you proposing a gas sensor without any chemical binding taking place?

  26. This is very interesting information.

  27. I took the poll. Thank you for the info.

  28. Great article with awesome information!!!

  29. I chose Smoke, Fire, & Toxic Indoor Gases in the poll! Sounds cool!


  30. Hope to see this advance in my lifetime especially for gases that trigger Asthma, COPD, & Respiratory Disorders & toxic gases in the home.

  31. Interesting information.

    I chose Detecting Mold, Fungi, Termites.

  32. I find that people are not taking the time to take care of their bodies by eating well, drinking water. People are either taking pill form vitamins and eating out a lot. We should all take the time to TAKE THE TIME.

  33. Good example of technology that helps mankind

  34. interesting article some things I had no clue about

  35. I would like to use it at home and work and even in the car

  36. This is great - we need to keep advancing in medical care.

  37. This could help in so many ways.

  38. It detects body odor?? This would be great at the office--at the front door. Thanks for posting!

  39. Wow! Very cool. Can't wait for this to come to fruition.

  40. I enjoyed your article and learned something new.

  41. I would love to see this technology help people and save lives!

  42. Good read. Would be interested to see more on this topic.


  43. im really concerned about the air we are leaving our kids, so this was great to read

  44. I've been making an effort to improve our indoor air quality but I still wonder if it's enough. I'm interested more on this product!

  45. Quite interesting how the advancement to science is allowing us to check the quality of air

  46. A very interesting article. Thank you for sharing.

  47. Like reading important information that can help us.

  48. mold detection would be nice

  49. Great article. Didn't know anything like this existed. Thanks for sharing.

  50. Don R- Thanks for the cool article!

  51. It's nice to know if you're stepping into a polluted environment,although you can simply grow a little tree or a small plant to increase the oxygen in you're home area :)

  52. We could really use this tech now!

  53. My mother died of respiratory failure due to COPD so I know how much this technology could mean.

  54. Very informative article!

  55. Crazy how far technology has come since I was a kid! :)

  56. This looks wonderful, it will be amazing, very well written blog.

  57. thanks for the chance to win

  58. I'd love to be able to detect digestion issues through the air I breathe.

  59. I'm all for anything that can help reduce asthma attacks, lessen the impact of COPD and other respiratory diseases, reduce the stress on your breathing, help safe lives due to carbon monoxide poisoning, make sure that everything you bring into your home is a safe environment!

  60. this seems like useful technology

  61. Wow this is going to be the next big investment area!

  62. I would like to use it for Smoke, Fire, & Toxic Indoor Gases.

  63. Very interesting and important article!!

  64. Very interesting and important article!!

  65. Love the potential variety of applications it can be used for

  66. Coming from a family that all deal with respiratory issues, this technology is something I am thoroughly interested in.

  67. this would seem to be a valuable tool for the medical field

  68. It is above my head how all of this works but will be glad to have a way to determine what is in the air we are breathing. Thanks for this information.

  69. Thanks for the enlightening information.

  70. Interesting article. So many uses for medical issues.

  71. I voted for early cancer detection too...so many people in my life have been taken away from cancer way too soon :-(

  72. Great article! I love how this article persuading people to care about the surroundings.

  73. Glad to see this technology will soon be available to tje public!

  74. I voted for the Detecting mold for that always scares me in houses.

  75. It would be nice to get a heads up before my allergies kick up.

  76. I have Copd so that part was particularly relevant to me and I look forward to the progress in this field. Its heartening to know that someone is on the case.

  77. Terrific article guys! Thank you for spreading the word 🤓

  78. Sounds like a very interesting and useful technology!!

  79. Sounds like a very interesting and useful technology!!

  80. It's good to know that this technology exists, or will exist soon. Then the real challenge is to correct the problems it detects - and get people to have the will to do that.

  81. This sounds like a much needed, and very versatile technology!

  82. i truly believe i llived in a home that got me sick and when i moved i miraciously got better

  83. awesome technology! never heard about this before :-)

  84. Travel is an adventure that has yet shown it's perception to within our eyes, imagination, heart and mind. We all hope that one day it will be us but on the surface some of us cant travel may it be financial, disability etc. Of the aforementioned I am one of them and sadly as a child I was individualized by those in which were suppose to be leaders - coaches, teachers, principals and scout leaders! There is always hopes and dreams that I might be able to change this but that'll only happen if / when finances,opportunities and things needed line up! The article was quite interesting and I can only imagine the minds of future generations to get the opportunity to explore to new heights!

  85. Hmm it is pretty fascinating. hard to really think we're living in such an era that it could actually happen but still... pretty impressive.

    very good article.

  86. I'm sure nanotechnology will have its benefits.

  87. Very informative that reeks benefits in the near future!

  88. Nicole Carter (Weasley)October 27, 2016 at 5:37 AM

    Amazing article! I voted for cancer detection early. It's so very important to be detected and treated early!

  89. I lived in China for 3 years. I would have loved to have been able to use this there.

  90. Definitely something that could be of amazing use if accurate and reasonably priced.

  91. Thanks for sharing! As for the poll, I chose detecting cancer and other diseases. I think something like that would be very good.


  92. I would love to use this for checking for food spoilage. I am always worried something looks and smells fine, but it isn't

  93. Interesting article would be good for people who have health conditions to know what is what when it comes to gases/triggers etc with asthma

  94. loganlanecarrington

    Very Informative

  95. Very interesting. Technology really blows my mind sometimes.

  96. Technology is getting crazy amazing! Still waiting on flying cars, though. ;)

  97. this would be great to have and be able to detect health, home and travel issues giving peace and mind that we are preventing us from living a healthy life

  98. Really interesting. It would be great to detect things like mold, fungi and termites while house hunting by just analyzing the air.

  99. Interesting but scary at the same time.

  100. I didn't realize that one unit could be used to monitor so many different concerns.

  101. That sounds amazing. I'm here for new tech!

  102. This is so interesting! Love how technology will improve our children's futures!

  103. This is interesting but does it clean the air too or just tell us it's toxic?

    Flyergal82 at (yahoo =dot /com!

  104. great article we wish we could clean up our air

  105. I voted for Smoke, Fire, & Toxic Indoor Gases.

    - Amber y

  106. Just finding out that we take 584 billion breaths in a lifetime, with all the knowledge of the dangers you have shared, makes me see my health in a whole different light..thank you

  107. Great idea, very very interesting technology!!!

  108. I should be more aware of these things. Thanks

  109. This seems so useful and helpful, I'm always concerned about air quality.

  110. Wow. I knew Americans spend a lot, but I never realized it was $60 Billion annually on diet related activities.

  111. Very interesting!

  112. This is an awesome advance in tech! Saving lives!

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